Held breath and wandering eyes
Peak out from this black disguise
I play a ghoul, an opaque spectre
But when the fire burns, the flames lick the jester
Silent giggles and ribboned grins
Sing the heritage of original sin
I whisper to the seamstress crafting malevolent sighs,
"Show them the unhemmed fray and various dyes"
The paper is earthbound and dry, too brittle for the letter
Fading with the soil, it's weakness is the strength of these fetters
I jaggedly enter the world
It jaggedly enters my self
The mountains of the earth
Meet the rolling hills of the sky
And grate and scrape
In tectonic pandemonium
The line of demarcation
Pulses as a neon
Zig zag
That too flickers
And loses its frightful luster